Hello Friends!

My life has gotten a little more grown up lately... New forever love of my life, new house, new job and officially a honeymooner Mrs.! Everything is a shiny adventure and untrodden territory. Follow along as I navigate the world of being a grown up!


peanut gets special treatment

The AM and PM routine!
 At the vet yesterday, we found out that Harley can come out of quarantine after she gets her FHV vaccination on Wednesday!  As for Peanut and Poley, they have at least a week left of quarantine.  Harley's total time in quarantine will be almost 20 days.  Since Peanut and Poley are only 6 days into theirs, we've got two more weeks of keeping them cooped up ahead of us.

Last night I was feeling really bad for Peanut.  He seemed to be doing the worst out of all three.  He was really down and out and really grouchy when I would give him his medicine.  In fact, I know animals can sense emotion and he's totally playing in to my fear.  He swipes his razor blade claws at me with all his might and growls like a banshee (I'm pretty sure they growl, too).

So last night, we let Peanut hang out with us in bed while we were watching tv before bed.  He snuggled right in and seemed to perk right up.  He sneezed all over us to the point where we had to wipe off his sneezes - gross.  Peanut has always been the more needy kitty, so some extra love was just what he needed.

Looking out the window - pre-virus :)
Harley's Quarantine:  14 days
Days Harley Has Eaten on Her Own: 4 days
Peanut & Poley's Quarantine: 7 days
Days Peanut & Poley Have Eaten on Their Own: 7 days
Number of cat scratches on me:  11

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