10. Someone always has to wear the sketchy life jacket.
09. Even the most level-headed adults can overpay for their $5.00 Mexican BB cruise after several (or more than several) beers.
08. After “several beers” you forget to remove your valuable jewelry and can lose to it to bottom of the sea like Rose's Heart of the Ocean.
07. Even the most fit adults are not prepared for the chafing. Bouncing up and down on a rubber banana in a wet bikini does not bode well.
06. One minute you're laughing and screaming, the next the nice Mexican teenager driving the boat is gunning it and laughing even harder and you're under water.
05. Despite the fact that adults weigh more than children, I think the boat goes faster when adults are riding it.
04. The person in the back gets pummeled by each person who comes crashing off in the inevitable dump (I was second to last).
03. Maggie's head-to-my-hip contact while crashing into the water is not fun.
02. Landing on top of Maggie and feeling her flailing for the surface beneath you sobers you up.
01. You just paid for your day to be ruined - water logged, bruised and beaten, tired and chafed, it's a good way to end the fun.
Don't say I never warned you!
Hi All… Again!
This website (blog.yarsh.com, yarsh.com, or some variation thereof) has
been “down” for quite some time. It was time to get it up and running once
again, i...
10 years ago
Oh no! What did you lose?
One of the earrings Dad gave us...
OMG i got on a banana boat a few weeks ago...wish i had seen this before i went.
Laughing hysterically right now!
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